Green Fans S01E11 (Emergency Podcast)- Rivalry Week Round 2

After a whirlwind of scheduling changes, the Blue Eagles are suddenly on the horizon. They couldn’t have caught the Archers at a worse time with our squad understrength and undermanned.

Come Sunday, questions will be answered. We discuss how key is stopping the hot Kiefer Ravena? Or how Juno will manage his shorthanded squad?

Lasallians are at their best when facing the odds. Can the players, coaches and crowd step up to the challenge once more?

#rivalryweek #keepthefaith #keepthecrown

2 thoughts on “Green Fans S01E11 (Emergency Podcast)- Rivalry Week Round 2

  1. Pingback: GREEN FANS EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: UAAP DLSU Board Member explains the Ateneo-La Salle rescheduling | Green Fans

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